Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Planning ahead works.

Jeepers I hope this is true:

Reverend Phelps and his gang of folks, that give lawyers and Democrats  a baaaaaaaaaaad name, attempted to protest at yet another soldier's funeral.

Didn't exactly work out as planned.

Rankin County handled this thing perfectly. There were many things that were put into place that most will never know about and at great expense to the county.
Most of the morons never made it out of their hotel parking lot. It seems that certain Rankin county pickup trucks were parked directly behind any car that had Kansas plates in the hotel parking lot and the drivers mysteriously disappeared until after the funeral was over. Police were called but their wrecker service was running behind and it was going to be a few hours before they could tow the trucks so the Kansas plated cars could get out.
A few made it to the funeral but were ushered away to be questioned about a crime they might have possibly been involved in. Turns out, after a few hours of questioning, that they were not involved and they were allowed to go on about their business.

Except for a wee assault, multiple cases of  forcible confinement and the extended questioning of folks with out probable cause, pesky legal details, (you know me always sweating the small stuff)   I really hope that more folks take it upon themselves to be non-violently proactive in stopping these nut jobs from disturbing the mourning of these grieving  families.

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