Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Lord love a duck...

Britain is no more. This from the land of the stiff upper lip, the people that gave Hitler the middle finger and refused to cower or be humbled by the blitzkrieg.

The spokesman said a 34-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of causing harassment, alarm or distress under section 4a of the Public Order Act 1986.
Oh dear da dear dear me, what exactly did this lowbrow racist thug do to illict arrest and all this hoopla? Why he sang this during one of his sets at a bar.

OK it is disco, a blight, a dark stain upon the musical landscape but come on now.


But after one of the passers-by reported his routine on Sunday afternoon, Mr Ledger was arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated harassment.
‘We were performing Kung Fu Fighting, as we do during all our sets,’ he said.
‘People of all races were loving it.  Chinese people have never been offended by it before.
‘But this lad walking past with his mum started swearing at us and making obscene hand gestures before taking a picture on his mobile phone.
'We hadn’t even seen them when we started the song. He must have phoned the police.’
Officers later called Mr Ledger while he was eating in a Chinese restaurant to arrange a meeting.
The singer assumed it was a prank – but he was later arrested and is still under investigation.
Well now someone needs to alret David Geffen, Steven Spielberg and Jeffery Katzenberg what rascist dogs they are.

Thank you Great Granny and Great Grandpa for hauling your behinds on a boat and leaving....

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