Friday, April 22, 2011

Another Boot to the head....

Lesson number one children, Don't video tape your betters, they don't like it, it's disrespectful or something...

Crooks said he now regrets not telling the officer that he was in fact standing in his own driveway. His realizes his response seemed cheeky, but he said the officer made him nervous.
Colling walks toward Crooks, his left hand raised.
"Turn that off for me," Colling orders.
"Why do I have to turn it off?'' Crooks responds. "I'm perfectly within my legal rights to be able to do this."
The officer repeats the command several times; each time Crooks reiterates his right to film.
"You don't live here," Colling says, now close to Crooks.
"I do live here!"
"You don't live here, dude."
"I just said I live here!"
As Crooks backs away, Colling grabs him by the shoulder and throws him down. On the ground, Crooks grabs the camera and turns it toward his face.
Colling's leg then enters the video frame. Crooks says he believes that was the kick that broke his nose.
The video doesn't show it, but it the camera records Crook screaming. He said that's when Colling was punching his face.
"Shut up!" Colling yells. "Stop resisting!"

Lesson number two children: Now remember kids please don't resist the nice officer when he is kicking your face or punching you, he might get upset with you, that creates stress that must be further relieved upon your person.

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