Thursday, March 31, 2011

Every child is a unique gift

something like a snowflake.

Conversation at the restaurant.

Little Man: I need to go potty.

GL to the Cattleman: I'll take him, come on Little Man.

Little Man: Mom your going in the wrong room.

GL: No your coming in here with me.

Little Man: But it's the girl's and I'm a boy!

GL: Well I'm a girl and since I'm the one that brought  you, you go in here.

Little Man: But I'm  doing a pee and I want to pee in the fancy sink, the sink in there is too tall to pee in.

Insert visual of blinky eyed Grey right here, mental images of Little Man standing on the step stool at home peeing in the sink flash by....... Naaaaa.....

GL: I should hope so, just come in here for now and I'll get Dad to bring you to the fancy sink before we leave.

GL to Cattleman upon returning to table: Honey you have some bathroom splaining to do...........


Anonymous said...

I love Kids.

The Grey Lady said...

Good Morning!

I love kids too, it constantly amazes me how you can input the same message and they all "get it" differently.

Anonymous said...

LOL! My younger one has a problem with going into the ladies, too.

But I gotta rule. Ifn you are too little to manage the bathroom door, then you're too little to decide whether the mens or womens door is the right one for you.


The Grey Lady said...

Good morning No one,

I support and adopt your rule as my own. :O)