Friday, July 9, 2010

Like Mammary Glands on a Bull.

Very useful legislation,

300,000 complaints of violations of the No call list and this is the service you get:

Responding to a query by Liberal Senator Percy Downe, the federal government said it has imposed $73,000 in fines

My that does seem kinda low for over 300,000 complaints doesn't it? But wait.......

in less than two years — but collected only $250 as of March 1.

Am I ever happy we dipped into the taxpayers pocket to set up this Paper Tiger, make work bureaucracy, it has paid us back in spades hasn't it?

So now I wonder how long it will be before allllll telemarketers ignore it because they know nothing will happen to them?

As a side question: Who needs a government department or thinks it is the government's job to stop folks from calling them? You have a phone, you have a choice to answer or not, there is no gun at your head making you get up from your dinner table to talk to these bozos is there?


KGould said...

LOL yeah I always let the phone ring itself to death if I see a 1-800 or whatever number on there. And if I do answer, I am getting very good at just waiting for the person to start to speak and me interrupting to say calmly and rationally to PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM YOUR CALLING LIST. I was trying to be polite in the past but that didn't work so now I just cut in. I did that 4 times in the past month and my phone rarely rings anymore! It's awesome lol.

I did put my numbers on that No Call List at the govt website, and I have actually reported 3 numbers for violation recently - but I doubted it would do much. I was just getting irritated with a satelitte tv company that kept calling even after I asked them to remove me.

you know what makes me laugh? When you ask to be removed and they say it will take 30 60 or 90 days to remove you. That is total BS! They run on a computer system, so take the number out and TADA the auto-dial CAN'T ring your number. so i never get why they say 60 days or whatever. It's mental.

But that's a very good point - people cried out to the govt to remove them from a calling list. This is one DIY job that everyone should be capable of doing!

My bf has an unlisted cell number and he still gets calls. He was going to complain to his phone company because he didnt understand at first why he is paying $5 a month for an unlisted number and it's still being called. I explained that these places either buy calling lists from others (so let's say he gave his number out for Sirius Satellite or something), OR the computer programs simply dial any combination of numbers they can come up with and when they get a hit (him answering, or going to voice mail, or simply just ringing), his number gets tagged as being 'live' and off they go selling that number to telemarketing companies. His phone company can't do much about that - and the govt certainly can't. So why cry out to them to help when we have all the power in our own hands - To Answer, Or Not To Answer! that is the question!

The Grey Lady said...

Morning Kez!

Slow response mode here as we are at the lake..again. :O)

I'm thinking if folks can't handle the stress of unwanted telemarketing themselves I do not want to be anywhere near them when something real happens in their lives. Ya gotta wonder about their sticking power when life hits a bit of a bumpy spot.