Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wanna see what State run Health care gets ya?

So you get raped in Canada's capital city and you screw up your courage to actually report it, lets see what in theory is supposed to transpire.

Muonde said the city has a Sexual Assault Protocol made up of local partners such as the Ottawa Hospital and police.

When a woman is brought to the Civic emergency room, where the sexual assault support centre is located, they are supposed to given priority and a nurse is to be on call 24 hours a day.

“A woman is supposed to be seen within an hour,” said Muonde.

Excellent, now lets see what actually happens shall we?

An hour later she woke up with her shorts around her ankles in the Henderson Ave. and Osgoode St. area.

She didn’t know where she was or how she got there and police believe she was drugged by her assailants.

They take her to THE hospital that specializes, has a specific unit to deal with this situation, it's gonna be all good right? Not so much.

A 21-year-old Ottawa woman who had been sexually assaulted was refused immediate treatment at the Ottawa Hospital over the weekend, the Sun has learned.

The woman was taken to the Civic hospital early Sunday morning to have a rape kit completed but Ottawa police were told there were no sexual assault nurses available.

The victim was given three options: Lie in a bed until Monday morning when a nurse would be available — but she wouldn’t be able to shower — or go to either Cornwall or Renfrew hospitals.

She ended up being taken to Renfrew to get treatment.

Ummmm Renfrew is a small town up the valley, about an hour and a half away, that has a population of just over 7900.  You have got to be kidding me...

Eight women are sexually assaulted every day on average but only one reports it, according to Ottawa police.

No kidding, wonder why that might be? Betcha that pitiful number is gonna take a bit of a deeper dip in the near future.

I happened to catch the hospital admin on the radio today and he said it was NOT the first time nor would it be the last time due to "Staffing issues". Right.........thats OK/reasonable then eh?

No competition equals no competence.

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