Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How the HELL did that happen?

I have a friend that occasionally likes to explain things as mathematical equations, it's pretty cool, so cool in fact that I decided to try it myself, as a lady with an accounting back ground, you would think that this would be situation "pas de sweat, Non" ? Umm non....pas de pas de sweat SVP. How disappointing.

Ovum plus nothings equals nothing, Birth control plus ovum still equals nothing, Birth control plus ovum plus sperm is still nothing, Birth control plus ovum plus sperm plus Antibiotics equals? I am going to be a Granny.

A GRANNY????????????

WTHoodles is that about? This Grey lady  just decided a few years ago she was done having children. My butt is not wide like a Granny's, I don't wear clunky ugly Granny shoes, at least I don't think I do, my hair is not Grey like a granny's, these are my teeth, I don't call kids sweety unless I am pissed beyond measure, How the Hell does that happen?

Ohhhhhh yeah I just explained it to ya........ I know, I have children at the age that I was when I had my first , some are even  in steady rock solid relationships. You would think I could have anticipated this?  It seems when I look at my own children at these ages all I see is soooooo young, sooooo needing to experience life more. Wanting them to have freedom to do, have a safer more solid financial base......oh never mind, they will do what they will do. I have to reminding us it is their life now....Remember when you had to take the hands off and let them be them, totally free to be wrong or right? Ouch it is difficult isn't it?

Jeepers I hope I'm up for it, I hope I can keep me nose out everything. ( You gotta know this is going to be the difficult one) Just be loving, supportive and keep me mouth shut unless asked......unless asked,  Keep me mouth shut, keep me mouth shut, keep me mouth shut,...unless asked. Sigh....... Here goes.....

Cattleman is tickled pink, he's ready to be a  Grand Papa, but he doesn't think Senor Super Sperm is nearly good enough for his daughter. Shocker that eh?  I think he is just a boy not a man yet, I am willing to give him some time to wake up, grow up and impress. Not that it matters what we think of Senor super sperm.  She's our daughter, she will decide for herself.


Joel said...


We can get you some clunky shoes, if you like.

The Grey Lady said...

Well thank you Joel, I just may take you up on that offer, all the better to stuff in some people's mouths before I mean before they put their feet in. :)