Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Glen Beck ripple effect

I don't do TV, I really don't have the time and frankly since that quirky twin peaks show popularized meaningless weirdness as a staple and Surviver popularized staged "reality" who has excess life for that non entertainment?

But I do have a T.V. and I do catch rumblings around the blog-o-sphere of this Glen Beck Character, (hey I have a huge family sometimes they get to have what they want and they want T.V.) I bit the bullet and decided to get Fox news so I could make up my own mind about this rabble rouser, this trouble maker that has the highest ratings . I have to admit that I have a certain fondness for troublemakers.

So we ordered the Fox news and this has been an interesting experience, I am not crazy about the guy and his delivery, a tad toooooo evangelical for me, but I think I see where he is going.

Certain phrases  that he has been tossing around that kinda made me stand up and pay attention. The number one being

Food Insufficiency and food sufficiency.

Now Glen is talking about the average person not being able to feed their family past the next paycheque and the foods banks crises, you  get the Drill.

Now The Paster has been strongly urging his followers to rid themselves of debt, sell everything that isn't absolutely essential. Get out of debt. Check splendid idea. Heeeeal thy bank account, heeeeeal they credit, shun the evil credit givers. I'm down with that GB Paster, good advice anytime.  The Grey's have unloaded over 100 thousand Gs in the last few years ourselves.

Once again  he keeps bringing up the food sufficiency and insuffeciency...The GB Paster is a Mormon, Mormons have a rule that they are to build up at least one years food supply in their home for hard times. Start off with a weeks worth, then work up to a month, then three months, then six, then a full years worth.  GB Paster keeps hammering the Government take over of the food industry and the hidden inflation on foods, talking about Mao and Russia's forced famines on the populace to keep them weak and compliant....He's leading up to it folks, I can see it coming a mile away.

Leading up to the advising his followers to get that food stuffs stocked up. The Grey's  are already working at it hard....but we have a huge family, this just isn't easy or cheap.

Dang I have no idea if I will be thrilled to have Millions join me in my quest, comforted that more folks will be able to take care of their own business and be somewhat prepared then they would be otherwise or maybe I will be seriously ticked because the shelves are about to get emptier and way more expensive.  That old law of supply and demand is about to come and bite us slow and steady folks in the behind.

Ouch  to the budget dead ahead. I think I may have to step up some basic acquisitions.

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