Friday, October 29, 2010

Your free to go Mr. Chen.

An update on our Vigilante grocer David Chen:

Amid cheers from Toronto's Chinese-Canadian community, a beaming David Chen stepped out of court a free man – but just barely.
Asked how shopkeepers should handle thieves, however, Mr. Chen clearly drew on what he learned from his brush with the criminal justice system.

“The advice is, be careful, call the police early, as soon as possible,” he said through Ms. Chow, who interpreted for him amid a crush of reporters on the courthouse steps.

Exactly......Mr. Chen has learned his lesson now, don't do for yourself what the only ones are paid not to bother doing. The process is the real punishment, the real point of this expensive taxpayer funded exercise was not to actually incarcerate the uppity Mr. Chen, it was to send a message to him and others not to over reach themselves and take care of business like grown free men and women should. Be reliant, be passive, be sheep and you will not be publicly dragged through such an ordeal, you will not have your reputation discussed and ripped to shreds (allegedly) by the police, the prosecution team or the sniveling MSM, you will not have to dig deep into your own pocket to defend yourself from the endlessly deep pockets of the Prosecution grinding machine.

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