Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shame on us? No shame on you...

Last nights event with Ms. Coulter had to be canceled due to violence, there was fear for her safety.

I just heard the lovely leftest Shamus Wolfe, the open minded president of the student union explain why he couldn't allow Ms. Coulter speak last night at the University of Ottawa. I will post a link when it becomes available.

Dear "Shame on you" has, like soooo many of his like minded ilk decided that due process is not to be accorded to anyone who goes off his beaten path. He has decided that it is more then OK for him to anoint himself accuser, judge, jury and executioner of  Ms. Coulter in an attempt to protect us from the mighty Coulter mouth.

She's guilty!

She's guilty!

She's guilty I say and command, I can not allow her to be heard!!!!!

All I can say is thank god Ms. Coulter was not a black accused of a crime in the 40's, 50's, makes me wonder if  a white sheet clad Shame on him would have been in front of the mob with his hand braided noose, yelling She's guilty! Hang her before she can do more harm!

Thank god Ms. Coulter was not a Jew during the Nazi occupation, makes me wonder if Shame on him would have gleefully stuffed her in an oven and proudly displayed her skin stretched over his living room lamp.

We have seen these holier then thou, I know whats best for you, who needs the niceties of due process, I am the word  types alllll thru history now haven't we? Pleasant aren't they. Same person different cloak or uniform of righteousness.

Bush league is an understatement. I want my money back, I am sick that my tax dollars support Seamus Wolfe, this super sillious, ca hones deficient, dictatorial,  grandiose hypocritical tw*t. (my apologies to Tw*ts everywhere if they feel I have offended them.)

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