Monday, August 15, 2011

Wanna see what State run Health Care will get ya?

Rubbing more salt in the womb.

 My 20 something daughter, with one child and one on the way, asks the following important question of the medical establishment.

How is it at 14 years old I could walk into an abortion clinic, no questions asked and I can have one, but I  can't have my tubes tied in my 20's because I am too young to make such an important reproductive decision?

Good question eh?

It is reversible if her family got wiped out in some tragic accident (which is one of the "reasons" they denied her) what are the freaking odds on that anyway?

What ever happened to my body my choice?.

Please sir, Mr./Ms. Government Official sirs,  but could you get your stinking paws off our uterus you damn dirty apes?


WolfSong said...

Unbelievable. Deny a tube tying, but I bet in the next breath the docs were all for years of hormonal birth control. They can make more money off your daughter that way, and then, when they decide she's capable enough to decide she wants no more kids, then they'll grant her the procedure. Assholes.

Saw it first hand after my Kid was born. Although I had a boring pregnancy, Kid made a splash when she arrived, and ripped me up real good. To the tune of "Chances are you won't survive another pregnancy". This came from the OnCall Ob/gyn at the hospital. So, after some discussion, Hubby and I said, alright, I'm here(in the hosp) now, do a tubal. Practically, it worked for us. Hubby had time off for the birth, and I was on bed rest already, so, surgery recovery wasn't that much more to deal with.

I was refused, because I was too young and too "emotional" to have it done. Really? 28 is "too young" and well, yeah, I was emotional, being told that the chances of having another kid and surviving were less than 50%. But, logic, in my mind, dictates, that when odds are like that, you do all you can to stack them in your favor. That is, get fixed, so I don't accidentally get preggers later. Nope. Not according to docs.

As an aside, I will point out, that when Hubby went a week later to find out info about a vasectomy, he had full info, and an appointment to have it done, in less than a month. No one tried to talk him out of it, and the doc congratulated him on a "responsible" decision.

The Grey Lady said...

Yes we fragile emotional women neeeeeeeed to be protected from these kinda choices don't we? Got preggers by oops? no sweat we will erase it, want to stop your self from getting preggers by oops? Forgettaboutit...

The politics of the womb is just so hypocritical it isn't funny. Hey but what do expect when it is so bloody "free"? Choices?