Monday, August 9, 2010

First they came for your peanut butter....

The demonization of food continues unabated:

Under pressure to produce a blueprint after three years of internal talks, Health Canada's sodium working group, set to release its long-awaited report today,

WThoodles? We paid folks and have a “EXPERT PANEL” on SALT? Working on this important issue for YEARS? Like in the treaty? No like in building up more bureaucracy for Health Canada to monitor Business, restaurants and food stuffs for sale at your local grocer.

Notice how they slip in the impression of need with the big percentage of 75% sitting right in the end of the article?

Medical experts warn that excessive sodium intake is associated with increased blood pressure and is a risk factor for stroke, heart attacks, kidney disease and heart failure. In Canada, about one in four people have hypertension and it is estimated that high sodium intake is to blame in 75 per cent of cases.

75 % of 25% is about 18% and it’s just their own scary doomsday "guesstimate" is all.

So that leaves, at minimum, 82% of the population with absolutely no issues with salt what so ever.

So far it is a forced voluntary adherence, with the clear and present threat that regulated mandatory adherence is next if the SALT panel is not pleased by the voluntary measures industry makes. So the carrot is the temporary absence of the stick. I have no doubt that the salt panel will be announcing the stick very soon as industry will never have a chance to follow their lead quick enough to suit them.

We are doomed to endless  intrusion, regulation for regulation sake, empire building at our expense and it will be lapped up as being for our own good too. Sweet….er no salty…..


KGould said...

The salt thing should be interesting for those who rely on it too - such as those who eat various kosher meals that require the thicker salt to be used in certain food preparations, too.

Back to peanut butter, we attended a Feeding Tiny Tots food course last year for work, put on by an Alberta govt group, taught by a registered nurse, and guess what? She said they have found that peanut butter CAN be given to children under 3. No restrictions unless their is family history of allergy to consider. Hmmm but for many years, we were told not to feed peanut butter to children under 2, then under 3. Now they say 'dont worry about it' because the studies discovered it did not increase allergy levels after all. I even read while I was pregnant in 2001 that I should not eat peanut butter while pregnant in case it increased allergy possibilities - but they say that peanuts and other various nuts are GOOD to eat while pregnant, especially if you develop an aversion to meats which many pregnant women do, so you can still get some protein etc into your body. So now that they want to attack salt, are they going to come back in 20 years and say 'oops you can eat it again'?

Some people DO eat way too much salt. I rarely add it unless I have to for baking, etc, but that's because food already has salt in it most of the time... If they take a lot of that away, perhaps I will just be adding some at home for flavor instead.

The Grey Lady said...

Kinda reminds me of that scene in the Woody Allen movie the Sleeper. He is woken up well into the future by these scientist type revolutionaries. There is this part where he says I'm really hungry what do you guys eat, tofu, sprouts etc?

Na you guys had it all wrong, we eat steak, butter and baked potates....

Something to that effect any way. When you look back in history countless times folks have been told unequivocally by their "modern day science" that x is bad y is good and years later you find out they were full of it.