Friday, August 20, 2010

I ain't afraid of no Stupersuspicion

I was awaken at my trailer around 6 this morning to an intermittent banging sound coming from my "add a room". Lola was sitting at the end of my bed growling at the window that looks into that space. I look out on to the floor area and I see nothing, the table? Nothing. (It's a very small window) What the heck? Dogs getting feisty, yappy, louder banging from the room and it all had to wait while I  threw something decent on (this is a family camp area after all) secure the killer dogs, so I can go out and see what is going on. As soon as I turn around a huge thud on the very window I was looking out of. What the heck is going on????

Did a raccoon some how open the door and get stuck in there? Nope.

I was amazed by what I found. A crow, a big ugly black crow ,( Ewwww very bad Mojo, karma, omen those crows things are) was flying around like crazy trying to crash it's way back out. I don't think the screens are made to withstand the tantrums of an irate adult crow. How the heck did that get in there?????? The door is still closed for crying out loud, I had to go thru the room and open the door and generally shooooo the ugly, in temperament and looks, intruder  out and all I could think of was Poe's poem the Raven and Lenore.

"Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;

But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,

And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,

That I scarce was sure I heard you"--

O.K so weird stuff goes threw my head when I'm not really awake and confronted by the bizarre.....who knew?

Lenore, lenore....I don't believe in omens, not what so ever, just a freaky thing that happens when you are out in the country. Right?Thank goodness it didn't happen last Friday the 13th. Not that I believe in stupersuspicions, omens, or that sort nonsense, but still............weird.

Wish I had the presence of mind to take a picture of that angry crow perched atop the cattleman's chair......dang.

1 comment:

KGould said...

yeah that would be funky, wondering how he got in and how long he had been there... i would be online looking up stupersticions lol