Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not exactly dealing with Rocket scientists here....

MY friend Joel has some how stumbled across a couple of 007 wanna be's whose sole mission is to discredit the Tea Party movement by recruiting "concerned" Americans, plotting strategy, infiltrating the movement and and exposing them as Joel puts it, by acting the way they think good Tea Partiers should act: Homophobic, Stupid Racists. They decided the best way to go about this is by starting a forum dedicated to the cause.......Sweet. Please read his post I can Not Improve upon his presentation.

The Ultimate Answer to Kings: "We've got to get organized!"

Now I have  few questions about these bright lights, How is it they are surprised that their genius has been exposed? Are they, like other folks under the impression that the INTERNET is PRIVATE?  Did they really imagine that not one of the dreaded homophobic, Racists morons would find out about their secret private club on the Internet and they wouldn`t tell anyone else?

The following quote from their forum, which is destined to become a classic, has me a tad confused.

This topic will be dedicated to how we should crash Tea Parties. One of the most obvious ways we can do this is by blending in with the crowd and yelling out racist slurs like Jews, Nigger, and Fags. One of us should record the act and that should get good media coverage. 

Points for clarity of intention, but I`m a little fuzzy on the whole Jew hate thing. As a matter of fact I kinda need a play book on the whole Jew hate thing. I thought the Tea Party was an orchestrated, non-grass roots, Astro-turf movement that the Republican Party started. I thought that the Republicans are in the pocket of that massive `"Jews are taking control over the world with their global businesses and money to enslave the poor unsuspecting dupes" Cabal.  It just doesn`t compute that they would be haters of the hand that  feeds them, buys their offices of power and ensures  better conditions then the  present and future slaves. I`m a little fuzzy how that works.

I also thought that the famous left was a little PO`D at the Jews because they are being mean to their neighbours of the Middle East, who make all their lovely money with ......... Oh my Gosh.... CO2 emitting oil, which is causing Climate Change, formally known as the world crisis "Global Warming". Nope that doesn`t work either...... or is it just American and Canadian Oil that is bad? See how fuzzy this hate all is?  I really need a play book, Cole's notes version will do......

Jews need better PR or something because they are being discriminated in the Hate department. Folks are really lazy with the names and labels. Jews have been around for a reaaallllly looooong time and the very name of their race is a slur. How rude and simplistic is that?  Homosexuals have several very imaginative names, I can think of like six off the top off my head to be called and instantly everyone KNOWS it is meant as a slur.  Same with folks whose ancestry started in Africa, I can think of several besides the one used. Italians? Yup, they got 'em good names, Persons of Latin extraction, No I don`t mean the Pope, yup they have quite a few too. Do you see how Jews are being short changed in the imagination department.

The Cattleman reminded me that back in the day `Shylock`was a very efffective  slur, but he`s thinking that has fallen to the wayside in popularity.  A) Because young folks never have to actually read, let alone "classics" at school anymore. B) Mario Puzo and his friends have supplanted the image with brass knuckles, base ball bats and something to do with "sleeping with the fishes".

But the best part of it all is you gotta love how some folks are so dedicated to their cause, so worried about the maltreatment of minorities by these nasty Homophobic, Racist morons, who aren`t behaving as expected,  are more then willing to throw their higher principles under the bus and perpetuate, manufacture disdain and  hate against a group, a new identifiable group, just because they do not appreciate the Tea Partiers upsetting their comfy rotten to the core apple cart.. Isn`t that kinda special?

H/T Joel

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