Sunday, February 10, 2013

This is Libby Davies

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Darn it, I despise when bloggers pick the least flattering photo to make a point, I do not want to be one of those bloggers so can I have a do over?

This is Libby Davies.

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Marginal improvement. Surely I can do better.  Shall I try again?

This is Libby Davies.

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I give up, I guess Libby is just NOT what you would call photogenic.

So this is a fair representation of what Libby Davies looks like.

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Libby Davies is a politician. Not just any politician but a member of her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. Not just any member of her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, but the NDP critic of Health.  Health you say? Yup Health.

This is Libby Davies.

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She has tabled a Private Member's Bill in an effort  to restrict the little people's salt intake, all in the name of Health of course. Because you can tell she is all about being healthy....right?

Physician (she's not) heal thy self first (she wont).

To be fair I would oppose the Libby Davies / nanny staters of life even if they appeared  in Victoria Secret's runway show or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. However the blatant hypocrisy and  stupidity of these types is usually not this obvious....It's rather stunning really.

Talk about your bloated overlord......

A little ditty that comes to mind when ever I think of dear Libby, that's fairly normal right?

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