Friday, February 8, 2013

Wanna see what State run Health Care will get ya?

No corporate money hungry, penny pinching, uncaring capitalists here, just your average government department I'd say:

“There was a lack of care, compassion, humanity and leadership,” said Robert Francis, chairman of the inquiry, who said the scandal was a “disaster.”
Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr. Cameron said, “Hundreds of people suffered from the most appalling neglect and mistreatment.
“There were patients so desperate for water that they were drinking from dirty flower vases. And relatives were ignored or even reproached when pointing out the most basic things which could have saved their loved ones from horrific pain or even death. 

What a relief that health care is "free".... Cameron thinks some people should be *gasp* fired?

I guess jail is out of the question?

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