Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm toast.....

I hurriedly put my laptop aside to do something really reallllly realllllllllllly important and when I went back it's charging  knob dooflicky at the end of the cord (the male end that gets inserted in the female recepticle on the computer that charges the Battery) was (sob, snif , Panic)  severed..... not chewed as if Lola the wonder dog was auditioning to do a scene from Natioanl Lampoon's Christmas Vaycay (with a twist) Doesn't appear to be pulled apart but severed........Hmmmmm a mystery afoot.

As a consequence my laptop is now (or in about 2 hours of usage) pretty ding dang darn USELESS. Harrumph. Insert visual of grumpyish, perplexed and a tad confused Grey Lady right about here....

I am lucky that the Cattleman has an old dinosaur that I might be able to use, but it will be work if ya know what I mean. No bookmarks, the keyboard is set up different and it's speed makes snails seem close to hitting sonic boom territory, ..... Oh dear da dear dear me, it looks like I am a tad spoiled  complaining about my alternative method of surfing....forgetting that I am LUCKY to have that ........but  there I be.,,,sigh.....Grey  complaining about missing her escape exactly how she likes it....I'll just go now........try to figure out how to set things up on that old dino ....Oh and yeah.... I am very grateful that the Cattleman is so generous and that I even have a viable alternative......grumpity ...grump grump...grumpity grump grump look at Grey go....

I have NO control issues nor do I have issues embracing change, none whats so ever,  I am very flexible and can roll with anything that gets thrown my way....grumpity......grump........ grump...grump....


WolfSong said...

Any good computer store should have a replacement cord...and as I type this, I realize that you won't have the battery power to read this. :)

Hopefully, you will be able to find a replacement cord.

The Grey Lady said...

Welcome WolfSong,

The replacement cord has been purchased. Yippeeeeeee. I really dislike having to appropriate other people's resources in order to accomplish mt goals. I will have to break down and pay the exorbitant price of the original manufacturer of my laptop as it seems to be proprietorial and will only accept it's own kind to recharge the batteries. I can use it with the clone but it will not keep the charge....