Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Yippee Ki Yay Mudder

Yippee ki yay


Heh...so much for the Cattleman's assurances that there was no way "we" had a mouse in our house.

Went out and bought two of the "better mouse trap". Baited them with, what I was assured by the hardware guy, the irresistible Peanut butter. VoilĂ  one less mouses in my houses.

Now if I can only figure out where the other trap went to. I know I put it here yesterday, it was there last night when I put the washing in the dryer.....so where did it go?


I have no idea what sort of force is at play when one of those things snaps...but I have looked just about everywhere for it and I can not find it. My best guess is our cat decided to take it somewhere to snack on.... I  hope. But I really rather find it now in case I am wrong...

So the good news is I am taking care of business, (for what that is worth) The bad news?

I squealed like a bloody girl when I found the dead mouse in the trap, in fact I jumped a wee bit and may have even scooted out of the general vicinity for a split second. Yup I'm a real killing machine.

Egads I hate it when I instinctavely act like a....girly girl. Bleck.

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