Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Seussian Tail

One Sunday morn the Cattleman woke from his slumber

Had an idea that was not dumb and dumber.

I think I will go to the house where we summer

to check for wee mousies, so spring won't be a bummer.

I will take things one, two and three ,

I smiled  "go ahead that only leaves about seven with me"

A good day for man talk and a beautiful drive I had a hunch,

and I happily packed them a rather nice lunch.

Off they go, off they go my sincere blessings,

won't have them around doing all kinds of messings..

When they opened the doors it was an obvious  disgrace,

seems there were nesties and nasties all over the place.

In a panic they threw every thing in boxes and green garbage bags,

they didn't even bother to put labels such as  dirty vs. clean  tags.

They spent the day stuffing  steel wool, spray foam in every nook and cranny,

in an attempt to block any passage, so I wouldn't be up on  their fanny.

Home again, home again to give me the news,

their industrious solution guaranteed to stave off my blues.

Empty the boxes and bags from my van tout suite, I know not exactly where,

It's summer stuff and I am so busy, I have no time, energy, inclination to care.

Deposit them in the laundry/ food storage room? Heh surely he's smarter then that?

That would be mousy heaven, I had better not find scat.

Days pass by and I find the boxes/bags in that room and what this I see?

Looks like a bag with a chewed hole to me..

My GL,  my dear, you do not have to worry,

we probably ripped it while in our frantic hurry.

A few more days and I notice our  cat,

has started to sleep in there on a old mat.

Look around, look around suspicious as hell

Hope against hope that all is still swell

Lord love a duck and all of hell's bells!!!!!!!!!

What I  discover has interrupted my "usual" mellow.

Curses and curses I heap on to that fellow,

That louse of a spouse......

done brought a mouse to my house.............

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