Saturday, January 30, 2010

Madame your enema awaits you....

Alternative title, how to disempact a full of "it" faux feminist has been.

When I heard that Stephen Harper was suddenly taken with a desire to promote maternal health as the key issue for the G8, I have to admit to being perplexed. I don't think I've ever heard Harper talk about women's issues. Behind the scenes his government, which of course means him, has not only cut funding to most women's groups and the most progressive NGOs like Alternatives and Kairos but have eliminated the word "equality" from their women's bureau. Harper is no doubt that most anti-feminist PM we have ever had.

So I get it, you don't like Mr. Harper. Big whoop-pee, you might be right not to like him, but your supposed reasoning sucks. Why? Because he will not listen to your whinning? Because he will not suck up and give away our millions to NGO's? Who in turn gift it to others, with their exalted government funded opinions, to pressure the government to get them more millions? Give your head a shake.  NGO's mean Non-government orgs.  These are anything but if they need Goverment funds in order to survive, go fundraise or die.

I won't bother addressing the Kairos defunding, these guys are parasitic Anti-Semitic sleaze. Ezra has more then enough to say about them here.

The media reported that a coalition of NGO's had recommended the issue to Harper but still, when was the last time Harper listened to anyone? Interesting how the media has so far ignored the just published report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that fetal and infant mortaity rates are 2.7 times higher in Inuit inhabited areas of Canada than elsewhere.

Well no shit Sherlock, because of our  Health care system we can't keep doctors in Canada period. Folks in warmer boarder towns have to win a GD lottery to get a family Doctor or Obstetrician, obviously not a lot of doctors like to be stuck up north for six months with no chance of leaving,  Give me a break already.

Women's and Indigenous groups should be insisting that Harper put his new commitment to work in his own country too.

Oh you poor hard done by girlie. Canadian women are already equal, you just don't want to wake up to the fact that most of us have past you already, that your type are a milestone around our neck, that you give women a weak, grasping, whinny, nagging, hyperbolic, shrill fishwife appearance.

There was another election where women's issues came to centre stage in 1984. Polling was getting more sophisticated and the gender gap between the Republicans and Democrats in the US election had become clear. Women were against Reagan. In those days, the National Action Committee on the Status of Women was a powerful organization and the media savvy NAC President at the time, Chaviva Hosek, called for a Leader's Debate on Women's Issues. It actually happened. Watch it if you don't believe me. Not only did Brian Mulroney, John Turner and Ed Broadbent debate women's issues on national television but they did so under questioning from members of the NAC executive rather than journalists. It had an amazing impact by demonstrating the increasing power of the women's movement.

Amazing............. politicians pandering to a group of self important women for votes. Who would have thunk it?

Moreover all levels of government are ominously talking about tightening their belts, which will mean massive cuts to the public service, where the best paid jobs for women are located.

 Well you dirty sexist piggette. What a charmingly ignorant comment to make. Women's jobs??? Women's work??? It becomes increasingly clear certain Dinosaurs need to become silent, so women who live in the real world can be rid of your dead, tired, drag us down with you weight. Listen up! The trades are dying for workers, they are actually screaming to get folks to become apprentices, they are open to women, they would even get preferential treatment to train to make 40 to 80 freaking dollars an hour plus benefits, all this with paid on the job training of three to four years.

But one has to surmise that in Judy's world you are only successful if you are making big bucks in heels and sucking off the tax payer's teat. Stupid empty women annoy the living be-jabbers out of me.

They can find money for the banks and the mostly boys on Bay Street but not to protect good jobs for women, let alone expand them.

Get out from behind the desk, stop huffing white out or nail polish, it is not the government's job to manufacture "gee my hair smells terrific" jobs so you can make big bucks and benefits while keeping your nails all nice and clean, it's not my wallet's job to provide them either. Please do not bitch about only making 70% of the average male and then preference glorified clerkish jobs. You want man money get out into the man world. But be ready to get dirty sometimes.

At the municipal level, in Toronto for example, the City is talking about major cuts to childcare.

Ummmm not to put toooo fine a point on it dear, but might that be because Dalton is instituting full time kindergarten, open from 6:30am to 7:00 pm? All those day care spaces that used to be occupied by those unfortunate children will no longer be required now will they?

Despite the rhetoric of the mainstream parties, it will take a revival of a powerful women's movement to make sure that our stalled progress to equality doesn't get driven back.

News flash! We don't need your idea of woman's movement anymore. Grow up, wake up, you are past your prime sweety, you are irrelevant, you don't speak for legions of women of all shapes, colours, sizes and beliefs, you don't seem to represent anyone anymore...The following scene from Guess who is coming to dinner pretty sums up my sentiments. True to form Mr. Poitier is much more elegant then I could ever hope to be.

H/T Sara


Anonymous said...

lol @ pegging her on going back and forth. Talking of equality but then singling out what job's are the best paid for women. Besides, I beg to differ with her. She should park her tush behind the wheel of a massive dumptruck in Fort MacMurray or at the mountain coal mines, because women drive those things too (I've seen it with my own eyes lol), and I can assure you they make more cash than the public servants (I hope she is not referring to the stereotypical secretarial positions! *gasp*!). But I also highly doubt she would ever take a job like that, she will just sit back and cry out that things still aren't equal and pretend she does not see women working at the coal mines and oil rigs, driving 18 wheelers, etc.

The Grey Lady said...

My goodness you have a lot of patience to read thru these loooooong posts :)

Woman power means something different these days doesn't it? If you have to go beg or nag a government to "gift it to you" it will never really be yours. The ladies did remarkable things in their time, they helped create a climate where certain attitudes and behaviours were transformed from daily practise to unacceptable. For that I will be forever grateful. Unfortunately it has become clear that their anger or man hate so permeates their being that they are blind to the truth of today's woman and her challenges.

KGould said...

I couldn't be bothered to sign in last time (exhausted from reading HaHa jk).

I don't think those women have any idea what it really means to change things at all. I cannot imagine what women went through to make the real changes in our not-so-distant history. They were brave and strong and quite frankly, amazing.

Today I find myself mostly getting embarrassed. I have very rarely been treated 'less' by men I worked with, even in jobs that had previously been done only by men. But at those same places, I worked with other women who were forever b*tching and whinging about their 'treatment' and it drove me insane. I know there are still chauvinists out there but you can spot them a mile away and they will never get good dependable female workers by acting like that, so it's their loss and you just move on. Chances are the men working for them can't stand them either lol.

I have never 'felt' from Harper that he doesn't care about women workers, the quotes you posted baffled me in fact.