Wednesday, April 25, 2012

HLS Saving you from one fictitious enemy

after another:

Not a minute too soon, the Department of Homeland Security has announced that it is creating “environmental justice” units that will be empowered to oversee regulations in conjunction with local governments throughout the country. The framework for the Environmental Justice Working Group includes eleven federal government agencies, including the TSA, the Secret Service and FEMA. Go big or go home, right?

Oh brother where art thou and your freedom now?

Environmental Justice Working Group? Sounds like a bad marvel comic hero group doesn't it?

Gobbley goop , double speak from the mission statement of your Environmental Justice Units.

As described in the 2010 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR), our Nation’s vision of homeland security is a homeland safe and secure, resilient against terrorism and other hazards, and where American interests and aspirations and the American way of life can thrive. In seeking to fulfill this vision, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aspires to avoid burdening minority and low-income populations with a disproportionate share of any adverse human health or environmental risks associated with our efforts to secure the Nation.

What ever that means, which I suspect is whatever the they want it to.


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