Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Every child is a unique gift

Something like a snowflake,

A conversation heard in my very own easy bake oven (summer camping trailer) 4 am after a huge storm.

Little One: Mommy! Have you disappeared too? Mommy I need you!

Grey (that would be me) one eye sorta opening: What?

Little One:  Mommy! I need to pee and the bathroom has disappeared!

Insert visual of blinky,  half opened, do I really have to wake up, eyed Grey right here.

Grey (still moi): What do you mean the bathroom has disappeared?

Little one: I can't see it, it is gone...

Grey: No honey it's not gone, you just can't see it because we lost power from the storm.

Little one: So the storm made it  invisible then?

Grey (a confused moi): No not invisible, you just can't see it because it is so dark.

Little one: Daddy said invisible means something is there but you can't see it. So it is invisible now, can you take me to the bathroom NOW please mommy? I don't know how to find an invisible toilet alone.

Grey: Honey......invisible is different, the bathroom is the same, the same place, you just can't see it because it is really really dark and your not used to that.

Cattleman: Umm Grey?

Grey: Yes.....

Cattleman: Maybe we can get the trip to the bathroom done and work on the concept tomorrow?

Grey: Oooooo Kay...that will be your job as you seem to be a real Bill Nye the science guy...good luck I have the easy job....Hold my hand little one I will take you.

Little One:  Can you wait and  then  take me back to bed because the storm made that invisible too?

Grey with a silly grin on my face thinking about the Cattleman attempting to explain the nuances of invisible: Sure no problem.


Anonymous said...


I love your kid stories.

I got a tiny one. We moved from Norfolk VA to Kansas last month. On the way to the pool last week, younger boy has a thought.

Mommy, how come we haven't gone to the beach yet this summer?

Note to self: introduce younger child to United States map.


The Grey Lady said...


It always surprises me, not sure why, what certain children do not understand or struggle with. Every child is different in their levels of understanding, you might think that I would get that after so may children, but apparently that "concept" is lost on me.

Meanwhile the Cattleman has mad headway with invisible, now she only thinks thing you can see through are invisible, her new favorite cup is one made of glass because it is invisible...next step is to introduce to her the nuances of "clear/see through" and inadvisable.

I'm beginning to not really care about this distinction, does it really matter? I think not.

The Grey Lady said...

Oh snap!!!!! I see I should NOT reply when I am tired..spell check where are you?