Saturday, July 30, 2011

Behind a post or two

I know I promised a post on more bread, but yesterday some dumb fcuk's dog chased down one of my kids and attacked them, no permanent damage done to my child (thank goodness), just bruising on the buttocks from the teeth,( no broken skin thanks to a pair of jeans) and nail marks along the legs, but by GOD I wish I could take a baseball bat to the &*^% owners of that dog.

After things settled down a bit,

Little man: Mommy you kicked that stupid evil puppy.

Grey: No honey the puppy is just being an animal, the owners are stupid and evil and yes I kicked it good.

They are just lucky the Cattleman wasn't here...but I still have to tell him..he's a gonna be PO'd.


WolfSong said...

Yikes! Glad the little guy is okay, but man, oh man, the owners need their asses kicked. And they need to have the dog taken away from them.

Is it worth reporting the owners to animal services, and filing a police report? After all, you little guy may not be the only one the dog has chased and attacked...

The Grey Lady said...

Hello Wolfsong,

I spoke with the owners of the place where we have our camp, the family (who was a weekly rental) was strongly encouraged to cut their trip short and leave.

Anonymous said...

I think I would've bit the owner.Zookeeper

The Grey Lady said...


:O) I know the feeling...