Friday, June 10, 2011

Competing Neurosis

What happens when we have two people who live together but they have certain idiosyncratic habits that are not always conducive to smooth sailing?????

This morning we are attempting to get to our summer place. I being slightly  germ/bug a phobic flick on the dishwasher before we get in the vehicles to depart.

Cattleman: What are you doing?

Grey (Moi): Turning on the dish washer, I am not leaving dishes for two or three days gross...

Cattleman: I am not leaving that thing running while we are gone, what if something goes wrong? Fire.

Insert visual of blinky eyed Grey right here.

Grey (still moi): But I run the thing while we are asleep..

Cattleman: Different thing all together.

Grey: Different?

Cattleman: Yup completely different.

Grey: How?

Cattleman: It is and I am not leaving until it is finished.

Grey (again moi): I guess I shouldn't mention that I also put a load in the dryer which I forgot yesterday then?

So we wait........

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