Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Teach your children well

This week my 6 year old passed a "major" milestone in her growing up. She lost her very first tooth. Most children are somewhat excited by this, but little one  has not been and it seems never will be "most children".

She was actually upset by this and when I finally was able to get to the bottom of her problem I was surprised to find out that she was vehemently opposed to having that "woman in her room". What woman you may ask? Why tis the tooth fairy of course. Little one doesn't know her and does NOT want "that woman" in her room even if she is leaving $$$$$. She never met her and does not want her sneaking about.  I can put the tooth under my pillow and she can just leave it with me according to Little One, but she is not having any of it, end of story.....place visual of blinky eyed parental units here. ( We are not crazy obsessive stranger danger people, we don't need to be, we just keep our kids close, almost exclusively with extended family.)

How do you argue with that? You don't.


KGould said...

lol! Reminds me of when my oldest had his 2 yr checkup and they thought he couldn't talk. He was put in a room with two strangers, I watched through a glass window (hearing test, etc was being done) and he refused to look at or talk to anyone. Later when they expressed concern, I said 'It's bound to happen that some kids really do not talk to strangers!'. They kept calling me at home and then at work to say he needs some follow up to see if he needs speech therapy. It got really annoying.

One year later the same therapist happened to be at my workplace (daycare) and she asked how old 'that boy' was (my son). I said '3' and she said 'wow. I thought he must be at least 5. He has an excellent vocabulary range'. She was listening to him chattering with his buddies. I just rolled my eyes lol.

Anyway too cute about your daughter :) Mine is 7 and the opposite happened - she lost a tooth late at night and didn't tell me and ummmm ... was VERY upset in the morning when the tooth fairy had not come! HAHA! OOpsy

The Grey Lady said...

One of my children was born "deaf", I didn't really notice until he was about a year old. He didn't startle, he didn't stop and look at the T.V, when music was on. He didn't ever get upset by noises or loud planes going over head as most children do. He laughed and really seemed as if was interacting with us.

Anyhow when we finally got into the children's hospital, he was 18 months by then, for a hearing test they had him sitting on my knee while they conducted the test where they watch for reactions to sounds that emanated from different parts of the room and rewarded him with blinking lights to indicate he got it right. I am surprised that you were not there right with your son.

Turned out he heard some noises like he was sitting on the bottom of a pool. Make a long story short he was born with two sets of ear drums. I know I had never heard of this before either. Once the outside set was removed and a set of tubes placed in his other set he was fine.

KGould said...

Wow! I have not heard of that either! And how amazing for medical technology to be able to find that and sort it out for him.

The hearing test my oldest son had was just a plain one where they rang a bell or set of a tone from a box behind him, just at the local clinic. He was given a puzzle to do on the table and he was totally crazy about it, so he couldn't have cared less about the distractions. He was a very focused child and did not react 'normally' to stimuli lol. I was outside the room because he was also a big mommy's boy and I told them whenever I am in the room he clings to me and won't cooperate with anything at all, so I waited outside lol.

My youngest son is not speaking much at all yet (he was 2 in March) so he had the big hearing test that you are talking about. He passed with flying colors and even has hearing ranges above his age level... but he still won't really talk. I guess he doesn't really need to when he has 4 other people in the house who are at his constant beck and call ;) Oopsy!

The Grey Lady said...

This can easily happen when you have a busy household with other children. You are right, Why bother learning to talk when others are will to talk for you and are willing to jump at a mere grunt and point.

Not to worry they are storing that information up and all of a sudden it pours out..and out and out.:)