Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh come on....

I canna believe it cap'n, I guess some Jackboots take their baseball too seriously. Taser a 17 year old for running on the Field? I thought that was sort of an American tradition or right of passage or something?

I appears it has become the jackboot weapon of choice for all occasions instead of the advertised alternative to using lethal force.

H/T The Padre

1 comment:

KGould said...

They sure got an awesome still shot of the 'event' that will probably go down in infamous history as a low moment of law enforcement... wicked photo! Poor kid. Can you imagine if he had a heart problem or something and had died? Tasered to death for running out on a baseball field - I'm sure his family and friends would have been impressed if that happened. My gosh - I didn't know what the ^^^^ to say when I saw that on the news.