Sunday, February 14, 2010

No joy in Mudville tonight......

A minor mile stone in this lowly blog's life was when The Grey Lady received it`s first Google referral URL. Wow, Yippie Ki Yay,  Google knows I exist, light a scented candle, bake a chocolate cake, break open some Haggen Das. I gaze in wonder and then wonder just what were those fateful search words that prompted the visit and just how high on the list did The Grey Lady rank. Oh my... the key words were kinda funny, kinda weird, kinda well....... off, if ya know what I mean..and the hit was from Germany of all places, but I did rank third on the list even if it was translated from German. That was kinda cool don't cha know.

New hits, Apparently if you write in Arabic and are from Egypt and use certain key words or phrases or close to them I come up pretty close to the top, Still cool, but I am beginning to wonder about folks and their social lives now...

Ireland? Same sort of search.  Vegas? Same sort of search. California? Same. Netherlands? Same ( I have no idea what language that was, but there The Grey Lady sat right up near the top). Hey even a BC hit. Go Canerder Go! Jonesboro Georgia. Yup. In over 15 hits now just for this search type and from one post I almost didn`t do. Just what post might that be...Well this one:

Madame your enema awaits you....

Just what were those fateful words, catch phrases: They be, woman on woman, man gives woman, punishment, woman getting, woman giving, The _____ Lady, and the word attached to all those searches ENEMA of all things. Now I have heard of Golden showers before, but muddy flooding waters?..not so much. I can only imagine the disappointment of my visitors when they did not get their preferred kink fest but a wee rant about an out of step past her prime feminist. So I apologize now for The Grey Lady`s lacking and so sorry that there will be no joy in Mudville tonight, the mighty Google has struck out. (Also for that Pregnant lady in Jersey, I feel your pain.)

Lesson learned, The Grey Lady will try to remember about judicious choice of wordage and the possible results. :)

E-N- E- M- A,  E- N- E- M- A, E-N-E-M-A and now Google knows my nameo.


Anonymous said...
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The Grey Lady said...

Sheesh, I guess your policy in life goes something like this: If at first you don't succeed?

Nice to see one who is dedicated to their cause for a change,next time just change your undies first will ya? You have a good day now! :)

Anonymous said...

Do you realise that The New York Times is known as "The Gray Lady"? Yes, the spelling is different, they're 'mericuns.

The Grey Lady said...

Yes I know about the NYT's nick name, picked my moniker based on different criteria and no it has nothing to do with age or hair colour.

KGould said...

haha I know, I see the most hilarious things on google searches where people end up at my blog. I love these tracking systems, they are fun :) Anyway what I most often get as a hit is the phrase "tormented mind". So a heck of a lot of people searching google for fellow tormented minds... I think I would rather be on the hitlist for lady enemas ;)