Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Woo Hoo!!!!!

Going up to PLUS 12 tomorrow. After the near constant MINUS 20's we have been experiencing the past month or so I just might strip off my parka, slap on the rubber boots and run frolicking through the woods.

Ummmm how does one go about frolicking anyway?

A little something to help perk ya up, he is just so darn sweet:


MONSTER said...

Ah GL,remember to stop stripping with the parka. Frolicing in only your rubber boots may as we all know be lots of fun but could get ya arrested. :)

The Grey Lady said...

LOL Monster,

Would be down right chilly too, after all plus 10 is good, really, really, realllllllly good, but it isn't thaaaat good. Has to be at least plus 14....

MONSTER said...

Oh I see you have froliced before.

KGould said...

so it was YOU who jinxed us! we were having a grand time enjoying the warmer weather and then got smacked with a couple more inches of snow overnight. tsk tsk!

The Grey Lady said...

Good Morning Kez,

I hang my head in shame.....

KGould said...

aww it's okay. It melted by late afternoon. Now we just have flooding issues and evacuation alerts to contend with.

The Grey Lady said...

Ya knooow I have been blamed for a lot of things in my day, but this is a new one. ;OP

Keep safe and dry!