Thursday, June 2, 2011

Because every child is a unique gift

Something like a snowflake.

A conversation in my front yard on a bright sun shiny day.

Little man: Moooooooom!

Grey (that would be moi)weeding garden: Yes?????????

Little man: Can you...(stops abruptly and walks towards me)...oh Mommy, your hair is so beautiful (he states with a tone of utter appreciation or awe and starts patting my head)

Insert visual of blinky eyed Grey right about here.

Grey (Moi again): Well thank you, but I didn't do anything special..

Little man: The sun is making your "Christmas hair" sparkle and be shiny.

Grey (still moi): Errrr ......... thank you. Now what did you want?

Note to self: chose hair colour and dye as soon as possible.

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